Monday, July 23, 2007

They're Not Just For Kids Anymore

With the recent success of the Harry Potter movies it seems like everyone's trying to come up with the next big children's movie franchise.  Recently, there's Narnia, which went on a bit too long for my taste and was often dry; and Bridge to Terabithia, which is in my Netflix queue.  I'm not sure you can count Stardust, but I'll go ahead and count it anyway.

Coming up?  The Golden Compass, which is certainly an interesting choice, given the fact the the author, Philip Pullman has been said to be the anti-CS Lewis; The Water Horse, which is basically the life story of Nessie, and then The Dark Is Rising.

Artemis Fowl has also been optioned, as well as The Bartimaeus Trilogy.

Hey, if they don't mess it up and can remain faithful to the source, more power to them.  I'm certainly looking forward to Compass, as I'm very curious as to how they'll address the whole controversy around it--if at all.  I'm not sure how they can avoid it though.

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