Thursday, July 05, 2007

bookoftheweek: World War Z

When I was a kid I was unfortunate enough to catch the last ten minutes of Night of the Living Dead, when the zombies were breaking into the farmhouse. I'm still freaked out by it; needless to say, I'm not a big fan of zombie movies.

It was therefore quite surprising that I enjoyed World War Z by Max Brooks, cheesy title and all. It's the story of the Zombie War, as told by "interviewees" across the world. What starts out as a misbranded case of "African rabies" turns into a worldwide epidemic.

The storytelling approach is quite interesting, and helps in making the book extremely readable. Instead of one long narrative, you get short chunks and get an idea of just how different countries dealt with the Zombie war. It's all told in a matter-of-fact style, leaving the usual horror themes to the imagination of the reader. It could even be an account of the horrors of war, except this war is against the undead.

It's already been optioned as a movie by Brad Pitt's Production Company. I doubt I'll see the movie, though--the book already gave me nightmares (imagine zombies coming out of the ocean...I'll never go to a beach again without thinking of that).

Highly recommended. Braaaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnsssssss.

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