Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sinfest on the US Elections

Linkie: Like Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Sometimes I'm really impressed by Tatsuya Ishida's work; he can gently poke fun at everyone--Christians, athiests, politicos--without really insulting anyone. Here he's in fine form--he sure does give that whole "lipstick on a pig" farce a new meaning, huh?

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Stupid Girl (redux)

We were watching the season premiere of Sarah Connor Chronicles today and heard someone who sounded suspiciously like Shirley Manson singing over the action in the opening sequence.

Sure enough, it was her. Not only that, she now has an important role in the series! Huh.

Unfortunately, age has taken its toll, so she's not quite as attractive as she was during her Queer/Stupid Girl/Only Happy When It Rains days. In fact, her face looked a little bit...stretched. Her acting skills also left a bit to be desired--she was a bit wooden, a bit...robotic, if you will. Right now she's the weak link in an excellent ensemble cast.

Maybe she'll improve, though. After all, Lena Headey was pretty bad in the first couple of episodes too, but she gradually grew into her role.

Oh, and Summer Glau still rocks, and is strangely hot, despite the forehead.

Friday, September 05, 2008

ABBA Twins, Part 1

Somehow, the girls have become huge fans of ABBA, after watching the movie "Mamma Mia!". We can't go anywhere now without them requesting that we play the CD. Here's a clip of them singing the title song.