Saturday, September 01, 2007

Top 5 Opening Theme Songs (Kids Edition)

Since I now have two toddlers running around the house I've been watching a lot of kids' programming. I've noticed (especially on the Disney Channel) that a lot of the theme songs are sung by established rock bands--for example, the new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme is sung by They Might Be Giants, and the Jojo's Circus theme is sung by Becky, one of Keanu Reeves' bands (he plays bass). Then of course, there's the Wiggles, with their annoyingly catchy songs (try digging up "Caveland" or "Wiggle Groove" or "Four Flowers").

Of course, my generation also had some good songs. There were also some I'd rather forget (like the Macross theme...ugh). Here's my personal Top 5 list:

5. Silverhawks/Thundercats
Thundercats, HOOOOOOO!!!!! Yeah, it's practically the same theme, so I lumped them together. Silverhawks was better animated, but Thundercats was more memorable.

4. The Great Space Coaster
Gary Gnu was the man! Baxter, the driver, was a clown on the run. He wore a rainbow shirt. Make of that what you will.

3. Fraggle Rock
Who could forget those cute construction-worker type Doozers? And Sprocket! And the All-Knowing Trash Heap? And of course, the kick-ass opening song.

2. Little Einsteins
From the moment the bass kicks in you're hooked. I sing along with the kids when this comes on. "We need more POWER!"

1. Gummi Bears
Unfortunately this series didn't last too long in Manila, although apparently there were 95 episodes in all. What a song, though--I haven't seen an episode in more than 20 years, but I still remember the song and catch myself singing it every once in a while.

1 comment:

Procops said...

dude! where's superbook and flying house?? hehehehehehehe!