Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rockstar: Supernova, Week 10

What the F... is Ladylike was my favorite original, with Toby's uh-oh song (can't remember the title!) following close behind. I can't believe Dave said that Lukas was a "fun" performer; then again, maybe that faux emo crap is what PPoD considers "fun". I really don't get the attraction the "Rossi Posse" showers on li'l Lukas, and their willignness to defend him to the death; can't understand what the dude is saying when he sings, and he ruined Living on a Prayer. Then again, that's just me.

All the rumor sites have Lukas winning (and already recording!) though. My money's still on Toby--like JD last season, he's not necessarily the best singer around, but he's the one who suits SN the most.

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