Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Nation States

I've been trying to run my own country these past couple of weeks, and I think I've been doing well so far. No, I don't have any megalomaniacal aspirations--I've just always been fascinated with the Sim type games (SimCity, Civilization). I'm usually lousy at these games, but Nation States intrigued me. There's no real goal in mind--you create your own country, and then you're given a set of issues to decide on everyday.

Some issues are serious, others are just plain laughable (one issue had the "Agricultural Sector" asking that the hippo overpopulation problem be solved by serving them up for dinner. I followed Australia's example). Your decision affects the country's Civil Rights, Economy and Political Freedoms. It's an interesting exercise.

If you decide to create your own country, do let me know so I can visit from time to time.

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