Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rockstar: Supernova, Week 5

Tommy Lee's right--the reason why guys try to learn guitar/play piano/learn the drums is to get the girls. At the very least, it gives you an opening. Hey, it worked for Billy Joel.

With that said, that was a great performance by Ryan "David Blaine" Star. Normally I dislike the guy, because he just seems so angry all the time, but all that angst worked this time around.

Unfortunately, Dilana was just okay this time around. Hopefully it's not the start of a Jordis-spiral. Zayra was awesome.

Good: Ryan, Storm (ch-ch-ch-changes!)
Bad: Jill, Lukas

EDIT: Dana gets a tattoo--and it's a freaking clef note! Take that, SuavePorn! She's a rocker now!

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