Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Teacher's Pet

There was a segment on Kevin and Bean @KROQ where they talked about the different pranks played on teachers by students. It got me thinking as to whether there were any Great Pranks played back when I was in school. We had some very interesting teachers back in grade school and high school; one teacher was a Menudo fan, and had a poster in her cabinet. Another was a "keeper", keeping stuff that me and other students left behind in the classroom (since none of us had the guts to call him out on it). Still another "mined for gold" and then flicked 'em to the class. Then there was the "English" teacher who said that my definition of "gumption" was incorrect (a check of the dictionary later on proved otherwise).

Playing pranks, though? I think a couple of my classmates made Ms. Menudo cry once. Other than that I can't really remember (or I blocked it out, or I wasn't involved--I was too much of a goody-two-shoes back then). Personally, the biggest prank I ever pulled was convincing the Science Teacher that my "project" was worthy of making it to the Science Congress (when it was really just a Capsela project running off a potato). Exciting stuff--not.

The best prank I remember was similar to what one of Kevin and Bean's listeners did--their teacher was a former Playmate, so they hunted down the Playboy where she appeared and stuck it to the blackboard. In our case the teacher had posed for a promo calendar--nothing as revealing as Playboy (I believe it was either a swimsuit or a wet T-shirt--I guess she wasn't that memorable). In any case, she was pissed, and her boyfriend was pissed as well. Good times.

1 comment:

Calai said...

OMG! I can write an entire blog about all the pranks we played on Ms. Abla alone! Hmmm...maybe I'll do that =)

Nice to know that Kevin and Bean are still on air. I used to listen to them every morning on the way to work. It reached a point where I wasn't around, but my dad was so used to starting his day with me driving and those 2 guys talking, he would tune in.