Friday, October 07, 2005

Book Signings: Thud!

So I borrow Thud! from the library (the latest Discworld book), and while the librarian checks it out for me, she casually mentions that Terry Pratchett was in Pasadena just two weeks ago. Twisting the knife deeper in the wound, she says "oh, and Neil Gaiman was there last week!"

Argh. How come I never find out about these things? I could've had my copy of Going Postal and Marvel 1602 signed.

Granted, I was in Arizona two weeks ago, but still! I could've planned my time...convinced the wife-unit to "stroll" around Pasadena while I listen to my inner geek and line up.

Great. Kathy and Calai still have a leg up on me in terms of meeting Gaiman. At least I still have that signed copy of Crossroads of Twilight to tide me over. Oh, wait, that's worthless.

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