Tuesday, March 25, 2008

American Idol, Season 7

I'm not commenting much on this season, since it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Archie will win. It's like they upgraded the DeGarmo-bot and unleashed him to the unsuspecting public; he sings technically well, but watch his eyes--they're empty. He doesn't seem to connect to the world. But the tweens love him, so he'll probably sell a zillion records and then be on a future episode of VH1's Where Are They Now. Kinda like...

Carly. Um, if she only sold 378 copies of her debut album, why does she think she'll win this thing? Especially with that awful sleeve she has (did she really tattoo her own face on her arm?).

Anyway, I'd probably consider buying a Brooke White album. Maybe. She just reminds me of Liz Phair, if Liz Phair sang about puppies and rainbows instead of sex. I thought Brooke's EBYT was pretty good, even with that first misstep.

Alas, poor Ramiele. We hardly knew ye.

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