Friday, January 19, 2007

Spare the Rod

So this California assemblywoman wants to make spanking a crime. This is just so annoying on many levels--not the least of which is that this same assemblywoman doesn't even have kids.

Growing up I don't recall ever being spanked. What I do remember is getting kurot by my yaya whenever I did something naughty. Those pinches were pretty nasty--she had long nails, and her kurots were very, very fine, so they hurt like anything. I must've been three then; it made quite an impression, considering that I can still remember it.

Fast forward to now. I have kids of my own, and they get naughty sometimes, like all kids do. Do I hit them? No. I raise my voice, when I scold them, and usually that's enough to scare them silly. I don't advocate hitting a child, but I don't want the government telling me how to raise my children either (that's what my mom and my mother-in-law are for).

I can't stress this enough: This woman doesn't have kids! And yet she thinks she has the right to tell me how to be a better parent. How screwed up is that?

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