Tuesday, July 05, 2011

100 Books In A Year, Updated

24. The Crippled God, by Steven Erikson. A somewhat unsatisfactory conclusion to the series. It seemed to be rushed, and the sudden 180 degree turn makes you go "what the hell just happened?" Some nice action sequences, although I do miss Karsa. Apparently there'll be another series dealing with the Toblakai. Still, though, a nice closure with the Bridgeburners.

25. Stonewielder, by Ian C. Esselmont. Apparently this book occurs just before The Crippled God in the Malazan timeline. Which makes the 180 degree turn even more bewildering. A bit slow, compared to Return of the Crimson Guard.

26. The Left Hand of God, by Paul Hoffman. Promising, although it does end rather abruptly. Character development is all over the place, with a lot of deus ex machina. Very raw, but there's something there. The first bits reminded me somewhat of A Canticle for Leibowitz.

27. Buried Fire, by Jonathan Stroud. Must've been one of Stroud's earlier efforts, because it is so amateurish, like he hadn't found his voice yet.

28. Tiassa, by Steven Brust. Brust lost me when he got all preachy in the couple of novels prior to Tiassa. Here he goes back to the humor that grabbed me from his earlier works. Still not quite up to par, but at least it's enjoyable.

29. The Legion of Superheroes: The Great Darkness Saga. I remember reading this at Benjor's house and being enthralled. Now I'm looking at how crappy the art is, and how shallow the writing and the dialogue (everyone addressing each other as "my love"? Seriously?) are. Maybe I'm just spoiled by the more recent Legion runs, like The Lightning Saga.

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