Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Some People...

You know how when a register opens up, they call the next person over to be the first person in that new line? Well, I was the person behind that next person, and I had moved over to the new register when this woman runs up with her cart and says "EXCUSE ME".

The heck? She thinks she's next in line? Despite the fact that I was already there behind the first person? Talk about cutting in line!

I didn't argue the point, and went back to my old line, muttering Gordon Ramsay's favorite words and mouthing off about female dogs. Yes, it was loud enough for her to hear. May karma bite you in the ass, I thought.

Turns out it did. I actually got checked out faster than if I had moved to that new line, and was out the door before the person in front of her was even done! I actually whistled quite loudly as I was strolling away with my cart, knowing full well she could hear my whistling and could see the smirk on my face; heck, I should've shouted "Victory is Mine!", Stewie style.

The nerve of some people.

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