Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sailing Around The World

I hate to admit it, but...

THAT was an amazing concert. I'm talking, of course, about The Wiggles concert I was moaning and groaning about last week. The songs were great (despite the fact that they sang a bunch of songs I didn't know), the ad-libbing was pretty funny ("Grease" and "Stairway To Heaven" played prominent roles), and Greg was a bit pudgy--but had such a smooth voice, I forgave him for it (the only downside was Larissa wasn't there. Caterina had to do, although Lucy was surprisingly pretty with longer hair, instead of the butch haircut she normally has).

Actually, everyone in my group (wifey, mom-in-law and sister-in-law) seemed to enjoy it far more than my kids, who were either concentrating very hard watching the show or were sleepy--they weren't reacting at all.

Oh, well, hopefully next year (if the kids still like The Wiggles, and if they haven't retired yet), the twins will show more life when we watch them again. And hopefully we'll have better seats.

Edited to add: the picture was taken by me during their April 22 concert at Gibson Ampitheater over at Universal Studios, Hollywood.

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