Thursday, December 01, 2005

Political Correctness gone amok...again

So apparently, some cities have decided to remove the word "Christmas" from their Christmas Trees. The reason, they said, was because the word "Christmas" excluded people of other faiths.

They've decided to call them "Holiday" trees instead.

To which I say: Bullshit.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. It's bad enough that the meaning of Christmas (at least here in the US) is now about shopping for just the right gift (of which I am guilty of as well); now the PC police want to take away the term as well. It's even spread subtly to such stores as Target, where you'll be hard-pressed to find the word "Christmas".

I'm not sure why I feel so strongly about this. I'm not overly religious (well, I was born and raised Catholic, and I go to Mass once in a while); I think the Theory of Evolution holds water, and believe that everyone should have an open mind. I guess I'm just sick of people trying to ram their beliefs down other people's throats--be they religious or atheists.

*sigh* Oh well. Here's to a Happy Holiday season.


Calai said...

that's america for you. land of the free, home of the brave. (sigh)

Krupo said...

I agree completely with your sentiments. We've had PC idioicy in Canada too, unfortunately. I've done my part to fight it by posting a Christmas tree here. :)