Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Star Wars! (Spoilers ho!)

Finally got around to seeing Revenge of The Sith last night. Overall good, despite lousy "dialogue" by Lucas whenever Anakin and Padme were on screen. But the effects were great, and Yoda kicked ass. Unfortunately, Clone Wars (the animated series) was sooooo much better. General Grievous? Sucked in this one. He was kinda like one of the Predator dudes, hunting Jedi in Clone Wars. He was watered down in RoTS. Nuts.
Same with Mace Windu.

But overall it was good; lightsaber battles were pretty cool, and it was Godfather-like in a particular sequence (you'll understand it when you see it).

Overall, I'd say it ranks...oh, #2 on the list:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. Star Wars: A New Hope
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Attack of the Clones
6. The Phantom Menace

Made me want to watch the original trilogy again, though...

1 comment:

daddychoy said...

Isn't the trilogy out there in RP already? Or is it just a matter of saving some quid? I went out and got myself a bunch of Yoda figures a week before the movie broke; now you can't even find them anywhere...heh.