Saturday, August 16, 2008

Of Phelps and Tinfoil Hats

Phelps finally won his eighth gold today, but everyone's still talking about the seventh race. One person has even gone so far as to create a website called to decry the "Phelps Conspiracy". As with most tinfoil wearing denizens, he cherry picks his evidence. That leading photo? Taken from the fourth photo in SI's "Frame By Frame" sequence. What he conveniently left out was the fifth photo...oh, and don't forget the sixth photo, a blowup of Cavic's hands not quite touching the pads.

I personally think Phelps won...because of his freakish wingspan. But that's just one man's humble opinion. I'm certainly not going to go and create a website to proclaim it. No, I'll just blog about it! =P

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