Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Must-see TV

The Fall TV season has been chugging along steadily, and it's been mostly good. A couple of new shows, and a couple of returning ones. I'm missing Lost, 24 (both January) and Battlestar Galactica (November, yay!), though. Here's what I've been watching:


Heroes (or, "My Two SuperDads", starring Matt and Mohinder). It took a while for it to get its stride (first couple of episodes were a bit of a yawner), but once he-who-shall-not-be-named appeared, things started speeding up. The new heroes are a mixed bag; the siblings are boringly creepy (think Flowers in the Attic), one's a jerk, one has an Alias (heh), while one has the Sharingan. It's getting exciting now, as we learn more about the previous generation of heroes.

Kitchen Nightmares. You know, I used to think Gordon Ramsay was an ass, and I avoided Hell's Kitchen like it was the plague. Then we got BBC America for a couple of weeks, and I watched as much Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares as I could. Dude's actually quite a nice guy, although with a bit of a potty-mouth. It's fascinating how he tries to turn around failing restaurants in the UK; unfortunately, the American version pales in comparison. I blame Fox and their catering to the lowest common denominator (the Cops-watching crowd).

The Unit. President Palmer with a shaved head and a goatee, ala Hawk from Spenser: For Hire. Menacing. The two-part premiere was pretty cool.

Pushing Daisies. Best new series by far (although I still have Bionic Woman to go through). Reminds me a bit of a Tim Burton movie, with its darkly whimsical setting. Or maybe a Neil Gaiman novel brought to life properly.

Dancing WIth The Stars. Welcome back, Edyta's leg warmers. I can't warm up to any of the contestants, unfortunately. I mean, Mark Cuban? Seriously?

Ugly Betty. Wobbly the first two weeks (although the premiere was heartbreaking), but hit its stride by the third episode. Gotta love Amanda and her mommy issues. But enough with the Henry-Betty thing already!

Still have Journeyman and Bionic Woman to go through on my DVR. Hopefully I'll have some time soon...

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