Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I admit it. I'm a Romber fan. The latest installment of The Amazing Race is a lot better than the previous one with * and Victoria; all the teams are distinct from each other, and everyone just seems to be enjoying the thing. Unlike last season, when you couldn't tell all the models apart, and everything just seemed painful.

A lot of people are hating on Rob and Amber, though, because of how they were in Survivor. Gotta admit, I hated Rob the first time I saw him (I didn't watch All Stars, though). But I always thought Amber was kinda cute, although she was just Jeri's sidekick at the time.

They're great in TAR, though! They're extremely competent (so far...), and even Rob's "evil" machinations are just funny. They weren't as irritating as Colin, or *.

So, I'm rooting for them to win. Just because. I also like The Braff brothers (those Zach lookalikes), and Team Redneck (alas, they are gone)...in general, though, nobody really "evil" to hate. Better than last season, though, when I only began to like Jon & Kris towards the end...

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